The Trinity School
a culture building enterprise
The Trinity School is a culture building enterprise that aims to serve God’s kingdom through education, influence, industry, and the arts. We are developing curriculum for Christians young and old who are called to impact their community, build a parallel economy, serve their neighbor, and uphold the teachings of Jesus Christ.
redesign education
The Trinity School is overhauling education using mold-breaking, research-supported methods to instill a traditional Christian mindset. We show your children how to wrestle with modern ideas using Biblical truth. Our teaching approach is fundamentally different from public schools, as it puts parents in the driver’s seat. We are transforming the idea of school in four ways: Subject Matter, Grading, Grade Levels, and Schedules.

rethink influence
The Trinity School is bringing Christian thinking into a broad range of topics, from politics, culture, industry, and family. We are beginning with a podcast, featuring our founder and friends Luke Zedwick and Mike Mellison discussing how godly thinking changes things.
The Trinity School believes that we’ve been entrusted with the responsibility of self-governance. That responsibility requires us to be active leaders who support laws that reflect God’s justice and mercy. While we know the law cannot save anyone, it is a tutor that leads us toward Christ. Unjust laws invite God’s judgment, and our nation’s laws come from her people.
While we believe the institution of church is God’s method for bringing saving faith to all nations, we also see a clear calling to engage with the the institutions that influence our culture, including the government. Therefore, we are creating and collecting materials and methods for upholding righteousness in the public square.
retooling industry
The Trinity School is tapping into the human resource that godly education and upbringing create. We are beginning to explore business ventures that incorporate our radical learning model and our collection of reliable, motivated teenagers and young adults. As more and more Christians are being pushed out of “respectable” career paths in order to keep a clear conscience, our school is helping them build something sustainable, innovative, and successful. We are redefining what it means to have a successful career. We are building a Kingdom.
Reclaiming the Arts
The Trinity School is exploring ways to awaken the arts the way we’ve reimagined education: honoring tradition with the help of technology. To that end, we look forward to many performances, concerts, exhibits, and galleries that will feature work done within the Trinity School collective. All God’s creatures are made to bring him glory, and we do that through skillful expression and work. Stay tuned for future updates by connecting with our social media pages on Facebook & Instagram @gracestayton.trinityschool