What’s Coming Up at Cultivate?

What is Cultivate all about?

Why? To be made into disciples who abide in the Love of Jesus. Who are met, transformed and sent by this Love.

When? Wednesday Nights at 6:30-8:30pm

Where? Stayton Christian Church (Basement)

Who? 7th-12th grade

What? Each Wednesday we build community through games, praise & wait for God through worship, learn from God through teachings from his Word, and grow together in small groups. In 2024/25, we are teaching through a series called “This is Love” where we walk through the Gospel of John.

 Youth Events:

Throughout the year we host more than a dozen youth events geared at deepening our relationships with one another and welcoming in new friends from our community. These events include Campouts, Lock-in's, Paintball, Service Days, Snow Days, Game Nights, Friendsgiving - and much more!

Fill out this form to join our email/text list to get updated when these are coming up!:

Core Values: 

 Discipleship: The foundation of our youth ministry is Discipleship: following Jesus, being transformed by His spirit, and teaching others to do the same. (Matthew 4:10, Col 1:28-29, John 15)

Worship: The purpose and compass for discipleship is the worship of God in all of life. Through worship, we cultivate a lasting desire for God now and in eternity. (Rev 19:1-10, 1 Cor. 10:31)

The Word: The primary means of growth as a disciple is nourishment through the Word of God as revealed in the Bible. (Psalm 1, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 15:1-10, Romans 12:2)

Community: Biblical discipleship takes place within authentic relationships and community characterized by Christ’s love. (Acts 4:32-35, 1 Cor. 12:12-31, Matthew 4:10, John 1:35-42, John 15:1-10, 1 Thes. 2:8)

 Kingdom: We work to grow God’s Kingdom by making disciples, love our neighbors and serving the poor. Following him means doing the good work Jesus has prepared for us to walk in. (Matt 25, Mark 12:30-31, James 1:27, 1 Peter 3:15, Romans 12:9-21, Eph. 2:10)

Meet David & His Family!

David & Olivia Giglio helped launch Cultivate in 2018 and David has served as the Youth Pastor at Grace ever since. They both serve in the ministry where they share a passion for seeing students encounter the love of Jesus and learn to walk with him daily. They live in Stayton & have 3 kiddos - Nova, Soley, & Willa!

If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to David directly at david.giglio@gracestayton.com or call him at 503-979-2141.



Stayton Young Life - Mondays at 7:27 pm