We desire to share life and form communities that are deeply rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. These are communities of diverse, imperfect people that are committed to living out the implications of the gospel in every sphere of life. These are communities of amazing grace, sacrificial service, and abundant joy. These are communities that build relationships by eating together, praying together, laughing together, studying the Bible together, and growing together as we disciple one another. These are communities that build up the church by encouraging people to faith in Jesus Christ and build up our community through acts of justice and mercy. It’s our hope and prayer that everyone who calls Grace home will find such community.

For information about how to volunteer, contact Gibson Kuenzi
For information about how to volunteer, contact Gibson Kuenzi
For information about how to volunteer, contact David Giglio
For information about how to volunteer, contact Matt & Jodie DeBauw
For information about how to volunteer, contact Luke Zedwick
For information about how to volunteer, contact David Giglio
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24, Stayton, OR 97383